Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colostrum Part 5: How colostrum works_v1/3

The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is considered the center of your health, the major parts of which are your intestine (gut) and bowel. It is said that 80% of ill health begins in the gut and that is where most of the pathogens that cause illness begin to attack the body.

If you want to be, and stay healthy, you must have an effective balanced gut. Some key points are:

  • How healthy is the gut wall? Are there holes, cell damage; or is it inflamed? Many people suffer from gut wall damage as often referred to as leaky bowel syndrome which can cause a varying range of problems from poor energy to bloating and other conditions which are even more severe.
  • Are there sufficient immunoglobulin and  other immune factors? These are the body's natural antibiotics which neutralize the pathogens that cause illness.
  • Are there sufficient supportive digestive aids such as friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes.
Your health is constantly under attacks, even without you realize it. Disease-causing pathogens are found everywhere. They are countless bacteria, viruses, fungi, and moulds that cause ill health. The body is exposed to millions of them everyday, and our modern, stressful life-style often weakens our defense causing continual illness.

Immune factors fight pathogens!!!

Once a pathogen enters the gut, these antibodies surround it and bind onto its surface so as to prevent it adhering to the gut wall causing illness. Instead, it merely passes through the system ans is expelled out of the body. The more natural antibodies you have, the stronger your immune system will be.

Natural immunization

One of the most incredible facets of the immune system is that it remembers all the pathogens that it is exposed to, so that the next time a similar pathogens enters the body the immune system recalls it and quickly produces antibodies to fight it off. This is the concept behind vaccination against key pathogens enabling the body to form antibodies prior to disease exposure.

Chemical antibiotics

The medical solution to destroying pathogens is usually pharmaceutical antibiotics. Since the introduction of penicillin in 1940, antibiotics have been hailed as the answer to all our health worries, but this is NOT entirely true.

  •  Antibiotics only kill certain types of bacteria. They do not work on viruses or many other forms of pathogens.
  • Antibiotics generally will destroy the good bacteria in your gut as well as the bad. That is why some health professionals will suggest to drink yogurt during the antibiotics treatment.
  • Bacteria are developing an immunity to antibiotics at an alarming speed. It much so much at concern that the Centre for Disease Control, NZ has stated that "antibiotics resistance is one of the leading threats facing the human race today"
That explains on why if we were often given antibiotics, at certain stage the antibiotics will no longer be working on us thus, the health professionals has no other choice but to change the antibiotics. This is dangerous in the long run because at the end.
Increasing numbers of people are looking for natural and effective ways to remain healthy and like the majority you may also need an immune boost.
So where do you find that safe, natural immune boost?
There is only 1 solution and it is......
~the nature's ultimate source of natural antibodies.