Friday, February 26, 2010

Why you should take colostrum everyday

If you wish to have a healthy body, then there is no better, nor more natural supplement for you than colostrum.

Colostrum is the best natural source of antibodies to destroy or neutralise the pathogens that cause illness.

Colostrum contains the best natural source of growth factor to heal and protect the gut wall.

Colostrum is a natural source of other valuable immune factors.

Colostrum works symbiotically with other products to boost your immune system and give greater health.

Among the colostrum that is available in the market, ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE is the best among the best.
Proven to have help many people with illnesses to improve their condition.
If ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE does magic/wonders with the people with illnesses, it should work better with the healthy people like us!!!!
Don't procrastinate until it's too late.
Prevention is better than cure.
Prevention with ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE is definitely the wisest choice.

The best of all, you can be healthy and also..... you can generate extra side income too!!
Interested to know more about the ALPHA LIPID package?
Contact me now!!

Farah +6019 665 2321  email:

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Our team are in Indonesia from 20-23 February for business presentation

Our team are now in Indonesia for business presentation that will be held in Jakarta and Bandung.
The details as below:


Date: 22 Feb 2010  MONDAY
Venue: MANHATTAN HOTEL (free entry)

We will also have business presentation in Bandung:
Date: 23 Feb 2010 TUESDAY
Venue: HOTEL BUMI SAWUNGGALING.NEAR DAGO PLAZA jl. DAGO TEL +62 8179780664 (free entry)

So if you are interested to know more about Alpha Lipid and Slim Diet2, kindly contact the person below for assistance.

Encik Wahab  +6013 3361 954 and or  his wife,
Puan Saridah +6013 600 7005

The entrance is FREE!!!
Take some time off and open your mind for the great opportunity that comes with these great products.

Remember, only those who are smart to the see the opportunities will be the legendary for others.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Alpha Lipid Lifeline, the smart nutritious drink for smart people

Make a change in your life

Dont wait until its too late to act

Start your day smartly with ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE as your breakfast drink!!!
“People decide their habits, and their habits decide their future."

~Author unknown

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Testimonial: Slip Disc

Kavita; a Uniten student is one of my husband's rowing athlete. She was diagnosed with slip disc for the past 1 years, and she had to rest from any competition since then. Her left leg felt numb and at times she had to walk limping.

My husband who is the rowing coach introduced the Alpha Lipid to her a few weeks back. She did asked her physician about consuming the Alpha Lipid and was given a GO.

After a week consuming Alpha Lipid as her morning breakfast, we sent her a sms follow up.
Here's her reply.

Hi sir. So far its working great. No side effects for me. Kurang limping dah and boleh rasa ada energy in my left leg. 

Praise to God for this Alpha Lipid has proven to help many people.
In this case, my husband got his athlete back into his team and Kavitha, she'll be able to start training and play her favourite sports again.

So for those out there who still looking for alternative treatment for your illness, give me a call and i'll be happy to assist you with Alpha Lipid. :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Colostrum Part 5: How colostrum works_v1/3

The gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is considered the center of your health, the major parts of which are your intestine (gut) and bowel. It is said that 80% of ill health begins in the gut and that is where most of the pathogens that cause illness begin to attack the body.

If you want to be, and stay healthy, you must have an effective balanced gut. Some key points are:

  • How healthy is the gut wall? Are there holes, cell damage; or is it inflamed? Many people suffer from gut wall damage as often referred to as leaky bowel syndrome which can cause a varying range of problems from poor energy to bloating and other conditions which are even more severe.
  • Are there sufficient immunoglobulin and  other immune factors? These are the body's natural antibiotics which neutralize the pathogens that cause illness.
  • Are there sufficient supportive digestive aids such as friendly bacteria and digestive enzymes.
Your health is constantly under attacks, even without you realize it. Disease-causing pathogens are found everywhere. They are countless bacteria, viruses, fungi, and moulds that cause ill health. The body is exposed to millions of them everyday, and our modern, stressful life-style often weakens our defense causing continual illness.

Immune factors fight pathogens!!!

Once a pathogen enters the gut, these antibodies surround it and bind onto its surface so as to prevent it adhering to the gut wall causing illness. Instead, it merely passes through the system ans is expelled out of the body. The more natural antibodies you have, the stronger your immune system will be.

Natural immunization

One of the most incredible facets of the immune system is that it remembers all the pathogens that it is exposed to, so that the next time a similar pathogens enters the body the immune system recalls it and quickly produces antibodies to fight it off. This is the concept behind vaccination against key pathogens enabling the body to form antibodies prior to disease exposure.

Chemical antibiotics

The medical solution to destroying pathogens is usually pharmaceutical antibiotics. Since the introduction of penicillin in 1940, antibiotics have been hailed as the answer to all our health worries, but this is NOT entirely true.

  •  Antibiotics only kill certain types of bacteria. They do not work on viruses or many other forms of pathogens.
  • Antibiotics generally will destroy the good bacteria in your gut as well as the bad. That is why some health professionals will suggest to drink yogurt during the antibiotics treatment.
  • Bacteria are developing an immunity to antibiotics at an alarming speed. It much so much at concern that the Centre for Disease Control, NZ has stated that "antibiotics resistance is one of the leading threats facing the human race today"
That explains on why if we were often given antibiotics, at certain stage the antibiotics will no longer be working on us thus, the health professionals has no other choice but to change the antibiotics. This is dangerous in the long run because at the end.
Increasing numbers of people are looking for natural and effective ways to remain healthy and like the majority you may also need an immune boost.
So where do you find that safe, natural immune boost?
There is only 1 solution and it is......
~the nature's ultimate source of natural antibodies. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Slim Diet II; produk terbaru di pasaran: Turunkan berat badan anda dengan pantas dan selamat

Memperkenalkan, produk slimming terbaru di Malaysia, SLIM DIET 2(SD2)

Memperkenalkan SLIM DIET II (SDII), produk slimming terbaru di pasaran.
Tidak perlu menggantikan meal anda kepada yang lain.
Makan seperti biasa. Lagi banyak makan lagi bagus.

Formula Pelangsingan Badan TERPANTAS DI DUNIA!

  • Memegang Rekod Dunia dengan penurunan berat badan 64kg dalam masa 1 bulan

  • Melangsingkan badan secara sihat & semulajadi dengan program slim diet kami yang amat ringkas & mudah

  • Sihat dengan zat-zat pemakanan yang seimbang

  • Kadar penurunan berat yang seimbang & sekata, tiada masalah kulit kendur & berkedut

  • Masalah kesihatan yang dialami bertambah baik tanpa disedari

  • **Kelebihan Program ini

    1. Proses penurunan berat badan adalah selamat kerana SDII  bertindak menyaingi sistem penurunan badan semulajadi.
    2. Tidak menyebabkan otot menggeleber dan kulit kendur 
    3. Program yang menawarkan penurunan berat badan dengan cepat berbanding program latihan fizikal dan kawalan kalori.
    4. Kandungan SDII telah dilengkapi dengan  semua bahan kandungan yang diperlukan seperti protein berkualiti tinggi, vitamin, mineral, asid lemak dan elemen lain
    5. Plan diet yang sangat mudah, tanpa perlu menggantikan makanan anda dengan produk diet
    **Bagaimana SDII bertindak?

    Badan kita mempunyai 2 sumber tenaga.
    • Daripada makanan yang kita makan
    • Lemak yang sedia ada terkumpul di dalam badan
    Apabila kita mengurangkan pengambilan karbohidrat, gula dan kanji; badan kita secara semulajadi  akan membakar lemak untuk mendapatkan tenaga. Jumlah karbohidrat yang mencetuskan penghancuran lemak disebut sebagai Tahap Karbohidrat Kritikal (Carbohydrate Critical Level, CCL).
    Apabila lemak dibakar, suatu bahan perkumuhan yang dipanggil ketone akan dikumuhkan di dalam air kencing dan proses ini dipanggil Ketosis. Tahap ketone boleh diukur melalui air kencing menggunakan strip Ketostix.


    PINK = bacaan IDEAL. ketone hadir di dalam air kencing menandakan lemak di bakar
    WHITISH/TIADA PERUBAHAN = ketone tidak hadir di dalam air kencing, menandakan anda telah mengambil makanan sumber karbohidrat
    PURPLE = terlalu banyak ketone hadir di dalam air kencing, anda boleh menambahkan karbohidrat dan lebihkan air mineral untuk menstabilkan proses pembakaran lemak.

    Jika anda mengikuti plan diet SDII secara disiplin dan teratur, bacaan ketostix anda boleh memberikan gambaran tentang kejayaan badan anda membakar lemak yang terkumpul.
    Ideally, diet yang betul dan penurunan berat secara selamat akan memberikan bacaan strip berwarna pink

    Slim Diet II, SDII dihasilkan melalui konsep Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF).
    Slim Diet II, ia adalah HALAL dan di import dari New Zealand oleh N.Z New Image  Sdn Bhd (Anak syarikat New Image International, Auckland, New Zealand)

    **Bagaimana dengan plan diet SDII?

    Sangat mudah!!!

    1. Bancuh 2 scoop SDII dengan 200ml air sejuk dan goncang.
    2. Minum sebelum atau selepas makan
    3. Minum air masak/mineral sekurang2nya 1.5L sehari

    Sangat mudah bukan?

    **Pantang makanan SDII

    Anda TIDAK BOLEH mengambil sebarang karbohidrat semasa sedang mengikuti program SDII.
    Banyakkan makan sumber protein yang bagus seperti ikan, ayam, seafoods, keju, telur.
    Maksudnya di sini,  K.F.C pun anda boleh makan tau, cuma jangan makan kulit ayam itu. Daging boleh makan.Kalau nak makan prosperity burger pun boleh, but ditch the bread, hanya makan daging bersalut sos lada hitam itu sahaja.
    Kentang goreng? NOT at the moment ya.
    Mudah kan

    ** A M A R A N  **
    • Ibu mengandung dan ibu yang masih menyusukan anak TIDAK BOLEH mengikuti sebarang program diet
    • Pesakit diabetes yang bergantung dengan insulin, perlu mendapatkan bantuan doktor sebelum mengikuti program diet.
    • Sila dapatkan nasihat doktor yang bertauliah sebelum mengikuti sebarang program diet.

    Jika anda berminat untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut tentang  SLIM DIET II (SDII) , boleh menghubungi saya melalui email : atau 019 665 23 21

    SDII ~ bakal menyaingi kehebatan ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE di Malaysia.

    Penyelesaian kepada masalah ingin menguruskan berat badan tetapi tidak sanggup menahan kelaparan.

    ** pics googled.

    Tuesday, February 9, 2010

    Join us as a member

    Be our member and get the many privileges as a member.

    As a member, you'll get :

    • buy all products at member price. Alpha Lipid RM150/tin and SDII RM108/tin
    • also get 4%-25% rebate every time you buy the products
    • and the best part can earn extra $$$$$.

    How to become a member?

    Buy any products from me and just add in RM50 for membership registration fees.
    Only RM50 once in a lifetime, no renewal fees.

    i.e: Buy 1 tin of Alpha Lipid Lifeline RM150 (member price) + RM50 (registration fees) = RM200 only!!

    Come and get healthy with Alpha Lipid Lifeline, the smart drink for smart people!!

    Monday, February 8, 2010

    Testimonial: My father in law with aneurysm and high blood pressure

    My father in law is a high blood pressure patient and a year ago he has been diagnosed with aneurysm which caused him to loose his 4th & 5th right toes due to insufficient blood supply to his leg.

    After a week consuming AL, he claimed that he did not have the usual head ache and dizziness especially in the late afternoon as before.
    He also said that his body feels more energized and he got to do his favorite gardening activities in the evening, just like those previous days.

    So far, he has been recording his daily blood pressure readings and he said that for now, the readings are in 'good shape'.
    He is still on doctor's medication and  is due for the next appointment in a month's time.
    Lets just see what the doctor says.

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Colostrum Part 4: About the New Zealand Colostrum

    100% Pure New Zealand

    The colostrum produced in New Zealand has earned world wide respect and recognition for its purity and quality. Those who have researched and used this unequaled health supplement have long been convinced that New Zealand dairy farmers produce the world's best. Even farmers from the US have agreed that New Zealand has some of the best farming practices seen on the planet.

    The New Zealand climates allows pastures to grow readily, enabling the cows to be pasture-fed all year round. Because of their daily exposures to soil bacteria these cattle have a more developed immune system. The healthy green grass as well provides beneficial enzymes. some of which are found in the colostrum aiding in its assimilation. The intensely managed, year-round pasturelands in New Zealand result in the cows requiring little or no supplemental grains.

    Quality Control

    In New Zealand, the Ministry of Agriculture (MAF) Dairy and Plant Products Group twice yearly convenes to review standards relating to colostrum. Production, storage and transportation of the product must all be in accordance with the New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA) code of practice which regulates the complete process from cow to customer.

    All dairy farms and milk production facilities must be certified by MAF which has strict guidelines as to how colostrum is harvested, transported, processed and stored for maximum potency and safety. All factories are also required to be compliant with International Standard (ISO).

    The purity and safety are not the only reasons for colostrum to be from dairy farms where there is no use of hormones, antibiotics, harmful herbicides or pesticides and no residue of radioactive or toxic contamination.

    Research has shown that to be fully effective colostrum should be prepared without freezing or excessive heat.

    Thursday, February 4, 2010

    Colostrum Part 3: The making of colostrum and the animals' well-being

    Once a cow has given birth, she produces approximately 30 litres of colostrum over the following 72 hours.
    The 1st 5 litres of the colostrum is given to the calf as this is vital for its survival and health.
    These first 5 litres provide sufficient colostrum to ensure that adequate nutrition is given, and that ongoing of colostrum herd quality and subsequent production of colostrum and milk for the future, is maintained.

    The remaining colostrum is then collected, skimmed and flash-pasterurised at 72degrees for 15seconds.
    This is long enough to kill any microbes, but not long enough to damage the delicate bioactive elements.
    The product is then low heat dried maintaining the bioactivity and leaving a white powder.
    This low heat drying process which was pioneered in the New Zealand has loss of bioactivity of less than 3%.
    From this stage it is manufactures into capsules, tablets and powdered drinks.

    In new Zealand, the cows all calve at the same time of year, so the colostrum is collected fresh and processed immediately.
    In most other countries calving occurs all year round and the colostrum must be frozen prior to processing.
    Colostrum processed from fresh is believed to be far more effective.

    **pics google

    Tuesday, February 2, 2010

    Kesan sementara Alpha Lipid

    Antara kesan biasa yang akan dialami setelah mengambil AL.

    Mengantuk dan rasa keletihan
    Ini adalah kesan dari proses penggantian sel/tisu  yang  disebabkan penyakit
    ** Suami dan anak saya mengalami kesan seperti ini

    Kerap berpeluh, demam dan sakit kepala
    Kesan peningkatan metabolisma badan akibat dari penyingkiran toksin melalui sistem perkumuhan (peluh)
    ** Suami saya mengalami kesan seperti ini

    Kegatalan, kerap kencing, kerap buang air besar
    Kesan dari proses pembuangan bahan-bahan yang tidak diperlukan oleh badan yang telah lama terkumpul dalam sistem badan kita seperti Heavy metal toxic.
    ** Saya mengalami kesan seperti ini untuk seminggu yang pertama

    Sakit perut, sakit badan, loya dan peningkatan degupan jantung
    Proses pemulihan, pembaikkan  dan penyimpanan sel badan yang baru

    Jadi, jika anda mengalami kesan seperti di atas, jangan risau; itu hanyalah untuk sementara sahaja.
    Itu juga menandakan Alpha Lipid sedang aktif menjalankan tugas dengan baik terhadap tubuh badan anda.
    Teruskan mengamalkan Alpha Lipid setiap pagi semasa perut kosong.
    Jadikan Alpha Lipid sebagai minuman harian keluarga anda.
    Alpha Lipid Lifeline; breakfast drink for smart people!!

    Alpha Lipid Lifeline Recipe

    Alpha Lipid Lifeline original flavor is Vanilla.
    According to the suggested serving instruction, add in 150ml cold water or room temperature water with 1.5scoop of AL and shake.
    However, I make a few recipes out of it.

    You can either mix the AL with:
    Recipe 1: 
    150ml of fresh milk/low fat milk/
     You can lessen the water to 100-120ml for more thicker shake. 
    1scoop of horlicks or milo for flavor
     You can add more scoops of horlicks/milo for if u like strong flavor


    Recipe 2:
    150ml cold water/mineral water 
     You can lessen the water to 100-120ml for more thicker shake.
    1scoop of horlicks or milo for flavor
    You can add more scoops of horlicks/milo for if u like strong flavor


    I like mine with low fat milk and 1 scoop horlicks.
    As for my daughter, I mix half scoop AL with 60ml strawberry  flavored-milk.
    Both  taste exactly like the McD's milkshake.

    Selamat mencuba!