Monday, March 29, 2010

Testimonial : Eczema and Exhaustion

** Info: SD2 promotion ends this Wednesday 31st March, hurry up and place your order!! **

Blogger mommy cum my blogger friend, Ariffah has given birth to her daughter somewhere last year. Her daughter has developed eczema on her cheeks, which turned worst during winter. It got weepy. Poor baby Esyal Zahra.
She once blogged about how she felt so tired all the time coping with her almost 3 year active toddler and a baby to look after.
Being a mother myself, I felt sympathy with her. Being a mother is not an easy task.

So I suggested her to try Alpha Lipid Lifeline. She agreed and I posted 2tins of AL all the way across the globe to her in Edinburgh, UK. Yes, I am that determined and passionate helping others with Alpha Lipid and SD2!! :)

And recently, I did a follow-up on her because somehow, I notice that her EZ's cheek looks better in the pics whenever she posted in her fb or blog.
Below is the screenshot of her response in fb message.

(I'm still waiting for her to write official testimonial in regards with this, she promised to write an entry abt it)

*Click to enlarge*

I was sooooo happy and glad at the same time because I take the lead to suggest to her Alpha Lipid. Not only AL has help improved baby Esyal Zahra's condition, but also has helped Ariffah to be more energetic too.
I so heart Alpha Lipid and SD2  of course hehehe.

If you have the same eczema problem and tired with the topical steroid creams and such from the clinics, contact me and I'll be happy to explain further about ALPHA LIPID LIFELINE.